Book A Day 30: The Book I'd Save From a Fire

When asked what I would save from a fire, family and pets excluded, my choices are always sentimental ones. The cardboard box in our spare room full of old photos would be my first port of call; taken in the pre-digital age each photograph is a memory from my childhood. It's things like that that are irreplaceable that I couldn't bear to lose. With this in mind this category was an easy one for me. The book that I would save from a fire is Hans Anderson's Fairy Stories - with Pictures that Spring to Life. I had no idea how old it was - I'd always assumed it was my mum's when she was little- but a quick Google search tells me it's at least seventy years old! Must've passed through a fair few generations! Complete with pop-up pages and illustrations that have been coloured in with wax crayons by one of its readers, it is a book that is incredibly special to me. Some of the pop-up pages are a little torn, but given how old the book is and how many times it ha...