Book A Day 24: Hooked Me Into Reading

The books that first got me into reading were the ones that my parents chose for me: Enid Blyton from my mum, Beatrix Potter from my dad. I've already used The Famous Five for my favourite book from childhood (book a day 1) so instead I'm opting for another of Blyton's crime-fighting crews: The Five Find Outers. I haven't met many people who got beyond The Famous Five/Secret Seven Blyton books, but truth be told The Five Find Outers were my favourites. Fatty, Larry, Daisy, Pip and Bets, and of course Buster the dog, played a big part in getting me into reading, and I'm pretty sure Fatty's love for disguises is what made me love dressing up so much when I was little! Mr Goon the policeman was a great character too! Just writing about these books is making me want to re-read them, I might have to revisit them over the summer!

Which book, or series of books, hooked you into reading? Check out my other book a day choices here, and head over to Twitter to join in the #bookaday fun!


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