Feature and Follow Friday: Featured Blogger!

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

And guess what... I was lucky enough to be chosen to feature this week! So welcome one and welcome all, take a look around!

This week's question: post a photo of your favourite coffee mug.

I haven't really got many mugs that mean much to me, but my mum got me this one for my twenty first birthday. It sits by my bed so it's the one that I always use when I'm reading. The poem on the side reads "A mug to keep for years to come, to remind me of when I was Twenty One." So cute!

Interview Questions:

When did you start blogging?
I started blogging last December. I graduated from university with an English Lit and History degree last summer, and after leaving I found it odd no longer writing about the books that I was reading. I found myself keeping notes, which gradually turned into reviews, and the idea of starting a book blog just popped into my head one day. Little did I know that there was this whole crazy world of fellow book bloggers just waiting to be discovered!

What is your favorite part of book blogging? 
Meeting like-minded people. Not many of my friends and family read, and so blogging is the perfect way to talk about the books that I love.

What type of books do you mainly blog about? 
Mainly historical/contemporary romance and YA/NA fiction, but I'm happy to read and blog about pretty much anything!

What is your favorite book(s)? 
This is an impossible question! I love Elizabeth Chadwick's historical fiction, and Anthony Horowitz is another favourite author. I love classic authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Bronté sisters too.   

What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging? 
It's got to be the free books right? The postman must laugh to himself at how excited I get when he brings a parcel for me! Knowing that you're getting to read them before everybody else is an added bonus too.

Once again welcome to my blog, and thanks to Alison and Parajunkee for featuring me!


  1. New follower via FF. Congrats on the feature; your mug is sweet.

  2. Congrats on the feature! I'm already a follower!

  3. Congrats on being featured and that's a cute mug!
    New Bloglovin follower.
    Here is my FF.
    Have a great week.

  4. I love that you have a mug from your mom. How special is that? I have shot glasses that are special to me like that but not mugs.

    Follow Friday Geeky Mugs

    1. I know a few people who have sentimental shot glasses - I'd be petrified of breaking them haha! Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Love the bear mug! Congratz on the feature!
    Have a great Friday!

    New email Twitter follower.

    Sugar & Snark

  6. I love the quote, it really was perfect for a twenty-one year old.:)

    New Follower VIA GFC

    Christine @ Bibliophilic Madness

  7. Congrats on being featured this week, Vicki! That mug is really cute, and the poem just makes it adorable. I'm a new Bloglovin, Google+ and Twitter follower. I'm also going to stalk you on Goodreads ;)
    Have a fantastic Friday!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  8. Congrats on being featured! That is such a lovely mug, is it a Tatty Teddy one?

    Old bloglovin follower but new Twitter, Tumblr etc. follower.

    Natalie @ Natalie Hearts Books

    1. It is indeed a Tatty Teddy mug :) Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Seriously cute mug, I love it =D
    Congrats on being this weeks feature. You can find my FF here

  10. Congrats on being feature! :) I love that you mom gave you that mug - it's definitely something to treasure for years to come

    Old follower

    Here's my FF

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

    1. I'll definitely treasure it :) Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Congratulations on being a feature blog! I love your background image! New follower on Bloglovin' and Twitter! Here's my FF!

  12. Congrats on being a feature! And that mug is cute! (:

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via bloglovin
    My FF

  13. Congrats! Lovely blog. I'm following via Feedly. Here’s my FF.

  14. Congrats on being featured. :)
    What a fun mug, that's definitely a great way of remembering when you were 21 and It's super cute too.

    New follower on BlogLovin'.

    My FF

    1. Thanks! It's definitely something to treasure. Following back :)

  15. Congratulations on being featured, it is great to have a keep sake that means a lot :) Old follower!

  16. That's a really cute mug, love the poem! Congrats on your feature.

    Happy FF! New GFC follower.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  17. Congrats on the feature!
    I agree. Can't say no to free books! ;)

    New GFC follower. MY F&F!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yeah free books are the best :)

  18. Congratulations on being featured!

    New GFC follower

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  19. Yeah it's a Tatty Teddy Bear :) Following you back!

  20. I completely agree. Thanks for stopping by, following you back :)

  21. Thanks for stopping by, following back :)

  22. The Champion is a good place to start, it's a standalone novel and is one of my absolute favourites! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  23. That's such a good idea! Following you back :)

  24. Congrats! I'm following via Feedly.


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