Book A Day 29: Re-read the Most Often

I'm not really one for re-reading books, not when there's so much else out in the world that I could be reading. That said, there are of course a few titles that I like to re-visit from time to time, usually the classics. I've probably re-readThe Great Gatsby the most, but seeing as I've already used that book for this challenge my choice today is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronté. I haven't re-read it cover to cover - I tend to skip the young Jane part and go straight to when she arrives at Thornfield - but I do like to dip into it and re-read my favourite parts, especially the proposal scene which is beautifully written!

Which books do you like to re-read? Head over to Twitter to join in the #bookaday fun, and you can see my other choices this month here!


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