Same book, different cover.

Have you ever bought a book you've already read, just because it has a nice cover? Or, even worse, have you got multiple copies of the same book just because they have different covers? I'm guilty of both of these crimes and need reassurance that I'm not the only one!

This post was inspired by the paperback version of Anthony Horowitz's James Bond novel Trigger Mortis. I first read it last October when it came out in hardback (I reserved it at my local library to make sure I was one of the first to read it). I was pretty good, I enjoyed it, but promptly forgot about it. Until I spotted this beauty on my local supermarket shelf:

I picked it up and stared longingly at it before reluctantly putting it back. But I have a feeling it won't be long before it's on my bookshelf. 

You know the story inside will be exactly the same as the last time you read it, and that you probably won't even read it again for at least a couple of years, and yet you still want it. Because of the cover.

Similarly, but perhaps even more ridiculous, is that I own two copies of J.M Barrie's Peter Pan. I had the basic but still in perfect condition Wordsworth Classics edition that I studied at university, but during a temp job at a well known chain of UK bookshops I fell in love with the Puffin Chalk edition.

We only had one copy in stock, and I spent my shifts praying that no one would buy it. On my last day I caved and bought it for myself. I haven't even read it yet, but I do pick it up and look at it more often than I care to admit.

So time to 'fess up. Please tell me I'm not the only one so easily sold on beautiful covers! 


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