December Blog Update

You may well have noticed my posts have become more sporadic of late. In the past couple of months I've gone from having one job (part time farm worker) to three. As well as helping on the farm when time allows, I now also work in the box office of a local theatre and as a Christmas temp in Waterstones - every book lover's holy grail! So while I spend all day reading (the commute is up to an hour each way), selling and talking about books, I now have very little time to actually write about them. I do have a few yearly wrap up posts/top ten lists scheduled for the next few weeks, and I'm aiming to get some more reviews up in the near future too - I miss blogging! So bear with me dear readers, and forgive me if I haven't had time to read and comment on as many of your posts as I'd like to. Once the Christmas madness is over normal service should hopefully be resumed :)


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