Review: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Love isn't an exact science - but no one told Don Tillman that. A thirty-nine-year-old geneticist, Don's never had a second date. So he devises the Wife Project, a scientific test to find the perfect partner. Enter Rosie - 'the world's most incompatible woman' - throwing Don's safe, ordered life into chaos. But what is this unsettling, alien emotion he's feeling?

This is an absolute gem of a book, and I can't believe it's taken me so long to get around to reading it! Once I started I couldn't put it down - Don's narrative voice is just so endearing. I tend to avoid 'rom-com' style books as I find them a bit cringeworthy, but that's certainly not the case here. This book is brilliantly written - it really made me smile, even laugh out loud in places, and I hope that when the inevitable film adaptation comes along the director will be able to do it justice. Don's character reminds me exactly of a guy I went to university with - his mannerisms and his vocabulary are just so similar, and I think this is partly why I liked Don as much as I did. The book is a unique concept, with a unique main character, and it is memorable for all the right reasons. It's definitely up there as one of the best books that I've read so far this year, and I'm glad there is a sequel as I can't wait to read more about Don and Rosie's adventures through the trials of love and marriage.

5/5 stars: Love is strange, love is unexpected, love is irrational. Such is life.


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