Top Ten Tuesday: Books from my Childhood/Teens that I would Love to Revisit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

This week's theme is Childood favourites that I would love to revisit. Many of my choices today are still actually sitting on my bookshelf, but haven't been read in years. Maybe it's time to change that.

1) Stormbreaker - Anthony Horowitz
It was the Alex Rider series of books that taught me it was okay for girls to read 'boys' books, that we didn't all have to resign ourselves to Jacqueline Wilson because of our gender. It was these books that turned me into the spy fiction fan that I am today, and now Horowitz has actually written a James Bond novel! I've never been more excited for a book in my life!

2) The Five Find-Outers - Enid Blyton 
The lesser known children detective series by Enid Blyton alongside The Famous Five and the Secret Seven. I was in awe of Fatty's expertise in disguises and loved his dog Buster.

3) Lexy Boyd and the Spadewell Sparklers - Michael Coleman.
I couldn't actually tell you what this book is about, but I read it countless times as a child and it was
my favourite library book. I'd love to know what all the fuss was about. I actually looked in the children's section a few years ago to see if it was still there, but I fear that it's long gone...

4) The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
Cheating a little on this one as I didn't actually read it until I studied it at university. I loved the film as a child though and only wish that I had read the book. I know it would have been one of my favourites and I intend to read it again soon.

5) The Jolly Pocket Postman - Janet and Allan Ahlberg
I have actually read this recently for fun, but I love it and so it has to be on this list!

6) Beatrix Potter
I can't pick one of these, I just can't. Though I think Benjamin Bunny is my favourite character. There's a brilliant old photo of me at The Beatrix Potter Experience in the Lake District with Mrs Tiggywinkle. I've lost count of the amount of times I've insisted on visiting that place.

7) Apple Tree Farm - Heather Amery and Stephen Cartwright
A firm family favourite. I think we even had plastic children's dinner placemats with the characters on. And I know my first ever French book was Apple Tree Farm too. Oh, and as for the iconic hiding yellow duck.. we had one ourselves and used to hide it in family holiday photos. Yeah...

8) The Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton
I could actually make an entire list from Enid Blyton books alone I read that much of her work as a child. This series was just wonderfully silly. I actually bought this set of the books a few years ago because I loved the covers and have yet to read them, so a revisit is definitely in order!

9) Dear Zoo - Rod Campbell
Everyone needs a definitive lift-the-flap book in their childhood, and this was mine. Again I've no idea where it is now but I'm determined to find it!

10) My Cat likes to Hide in Boxes - Eve Sutton
I was obsessed with this book. I remember we had a recording of a children's TV show (quite possibly Words and Pictures) with the host reading it that I used to watch over and over again. Then I found out that my neighbour actually had a copy and everything changed. She ended up giving it to me. Sadly I'm not sure where it is now, but I know it's in the house somewhere! The best way to sum up this book is as a mixture of geography, poetry and cats. It's brilliant. Here's the gist of it:

The cat from Brazil
Caught a very bad chill.
The cat from Greece
Joined the police.
The cat from Norway
Got stuck in the doorway.
The cat from Spain
Flew an aeroplane.
The cat from France
Liked to sing and dance.
But MY cat likes to hide in boxes.

What's on your lists this week?


  1. OOoh nice collection!! I remember a few of these myself, but I don't think there were any of them that I owned.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I loved The Secret Garden movie too when I was a kid. There were some greatmovie adaptations way back when. Nice list!

  3. I remember The Jolly Pocket Postman and Dear Zoo. My daughter loved both of those.

  4. The Secret Garden is on my list too - I really should re-read that soon!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  5. Yea! The Five Find-Outers were one of my favourite series when I was a kid! I loved how clever Fatty was and the great adventures they had. It makes me want to read them all again! Thanks for visiting my list!


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