Mega March Book Haul

March has been a busy month in terms of reading, and I have added plenty of new titles to my shelves this week! I tend to find there's a lull where I can't find anything I want to read, and then suddenly lots of exciting titles come along at once!

The first book post of the week came courtesy of Pan MacMillan. Hausfrau has been billed as Anna Karenina meets Fifty Shades of Grey. My curiosity got the better of me and I dived straight into this one - pretty good so far!

I also received these two books from Bookbridgr! Beatrice and Benedick tells the story of how the famous couple from Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing first met. I just love the cover! The Prince Who Loved Me is a fairy tale of a historical romance set in Scotland. Historical romances are my guilty pleasure, and this one sounds perfect to bridge the gap between more heavy-going books.

As if these books weren't enough, I picked up a couple of library books this week too! I've heard good things about both of these titles so I just couldn't resist.

As well as being approved to read and review these titles on NetGalley...

Phew! I have a busy few weeks reading ahead that's for sure!
What's new on your shelves this month?


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