Christmas Tag

Happy belated Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful day! I've been a bit absent lately, and so as the lull between Christmas and New Year begins it's time to finally have a catch up!

I came across this tag over on Jillian's Books and thought it might be fun to have a go!

How much do you love snow?
Easy question, A LOT. Waking up and opening your curtains to find the world covered with snow is one of the most magical feelings in the world. And I actually had that feeling this morning! It was only a light dusting but it made my day!

How do you eat your gingerbread men? Head first or feet first?
I have to eat the head first and get it out of the way. I'm one of those people who feels bad eating things shaped like people/animals. Jelly babies, chocolate rabbits, you name it and I have to eat the head first. Silly but true.

Do you like seasonal reading? Do you specifically seek out books set around winter during winter?
I do but I hardly ever get them all read haha! I always trawl Amazon for free Christmas themed kindle books and short stories. This year I must have found at least ten and only had time to read one! I guess they'll have to wait until next year now!

Have you ever been caroling? Would you go?
Yes and yes. A few of us from our local church used to go around our village carol singing, lanterns and all, but this was years ago. I'd love to revive the tradition one day.

Favourite Christmas Song
I'm a traditionalist at heart, and so my favourite song is Sussex Carol (or On Christmas Night All Christians Sing), but I love O Holy Night too.

Favourite Christmas Tradition?
It's got to be the food surely? We always go all out; turkey with all the trimmings (especially pigs in blankets) and enough desserts to see us right up until New Years Day! We also name our Christmas tree, if that counts as a tradition? We get a real one and they have a different name every year.

Do you eat Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve?

Christmas Day, always. Usually mid afternoon by the time everything is ready!

And when do you open your presents?
Christmas morning. We live on a farm so we get up early to make sure all the animals are fed, before changing into our Christmas jumpers, gathering around the roaring log fire and opening our presents together. Old fashioned perhaps but I wouldn't have it any other way.

What book boyfriend/girlfriend would you want under your tree?
My answer to this changes with literally every book I read. My current favourite is Jamie Fraser from the Outlander series of books. Must be the kilt.

I'm tagging anyone and everyone who reads this! Hope you're all enjoying the festive season!


  1. HURRAY YOU DID THE TAG! :D I only saw this now, and I love your answers! I love snow too, and I noticed both of our holiday traditions are food-related hehe <3 I wish I had said I went caroling in pre-school, but I only remembered once I posted the tag, haha. I heard a lot of good things about the Outlander series. Maybe I should check it out!

    Have a nice day!! Oh and happy new year :D


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