Review: Prom Impossible by Laura Pauling

Cassidy decides her senior year, including prom, will be about Michael Greenwood, the boy destined to be her soul mate. One problem. He hasn't figured that out yet. But certain events meant as innocent pranks—that weren't completely her fault—introduce her to Zeke, the reformed bad boy. And cutting deals in the boys’ bathroom with Jasper, the hottest guy in school, lands her in a complicated web of half-truths that spirals out of control. At the end of the year, she’s dateless the day before the big night but risks a lot more than her pride if she can’t find a way to fix her mistakes.

PROM IMPOSSIBLE is a modern-day Shakespearean romantic comedy in the world of teens, true love, and life.

Firstly I have to say that I love the cover! I think it is what drew me to the book in the first place. Unfortunately though the cover is the best thing about this book. I wanted to like it -it sounded great in premise- but I just didn't get it. I couldn't identify with Cassidy at all, and her tendency to lie, steal and generally make situations worse for herself I just couldn't understand, not to mention her blind devotion to a guy who barely gave her the time of day! It was obvious to me from the start which of the three guys Cassidy would end up with in the end, although I'm not entirely sure she deserved him after the way she treated him.  That said, the story was well written, and gave an insight into the complicated world of high school. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a 'Shakespearean romantic comedy', but it does set  out to prove that the course of teenage 'true love' never did run smooth.

3/5 stars: A great story in premise and well written, just not for me.

*I received a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*


  1. I'm getting ready to read this book in a couple of weeks. I'm sorry it didn't turn out better. The cover drew me in, too! :)

    1. Don't let my review put you off haha! But yeah, the cover is great :)


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