April Book Haul

I went to the library this morning and picked up a couple of titles that looked really interesting. I only allowed myself two as I've already got five renewed, not to mention the number of NetGalley ARCs and Goodreads First-Reads that I have to get through! It's going to be a busy few weeks...

The Illusionists - Rosie Thomas

"London 1885. A shadowy and threatening place for a beautiful young woman of limited means. Eliza's choices lie between marriage and stifling domesticity or a downwards spiral to the streets. But Eliza is modern before her time and she won't compromise. One night at a run-down theatre she meets the charismatic Devil Wix - a born showman who is set on running his own company. His right-hand man is Carlo Boldoni, a irascible dwarf whose dazzling talent eclipses everything Devil tries to do. Forever linked to Devil by a boyhood tragedy is his friend Jasper Button, a gifted artist, and the fourth member of this strange crew is Heinrich, an enigmatic engineer. As the seductive but dangerous world of the Palmyra Theatre snares them all, it falls to Eliza to try to keep the peace between the men who love her. Too late, she realises that her fortune and her future depend on Devil and his companions. There is no escape... but to continue to risk her life, not just her heart. Offstage as well as on, Eliza must learn that magic takes on many forms. What is real, and what is merely an illusion?"

Lucky Bunny - Jill Dawson

"Crime is a man's business so they say, though not according to Queenie Dove. As a self-proclaimed genius when it comes to thieving and escape, she reckons she's done pretty well. Yes, she's had a tough childhood in London's East End during the Depression, with a father in and out of prison. But she survived the Blitz, learned how to get by on her wits, and soon graduated from shoplifting to more glamorous crimes. Daring, clever and sexy, she thrived in the Soho of the Krays and the clubs of Mayfair, fell wildly in love, and got away with it all. Or did she? For beneath Queenie's vivacious, unrepentant account lies another story - of punishment and loss, and a passionate relationship that turns sour. To the end, she believes that she was lucky, but did she simply play the hand that fate dealt her? Vividly portraying the times and circles she moved in, Lucky Bunny captures an intriguing, engaging woman as it questions how far we are in control of our own lives.

Earlier this month, I received this book through Goodreads Giveaways:

If I Could Turn Back Time - Nicola Doherty

What if you found The One, then lost him again? Or not so much lost him as became the neurotic, needy
girlfriend from hell. The girl who tried to make him choose between her and his job, and got seriously paranoid about his relationship with his best female friend... Zoe knows she doesn't deserve another chance with David. But if there's the tiniest possibility of making things right, she'll snatch it. Even if it means breaking the laws of physics to do so...

I also received these titles via NetGalley - Click on the covers for more details and to request them yourself!

Any books that you're excited to read this month?


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