Review: What She Didn't Know by I. Ronik

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for a review.

The blurb gives the impression that this is your standard adult romance- which is by no means a bad thing- but in reality this story is as far from 'standard' as it gets. In short, Cassie's sister meets a guy, Cassie insists on meeting him and gets introduced to his cousin, who just happens to be Seth: her gorgeous boss. All pretty normal so far, but then events take a paranormal twist that I didn't see coming. The word 'parody' is the key to this short story, and it's a word that I missed when I skimmed through the blurb before requesting a copy!

To be perfectly honest, as soon as things started to get weird I was immediately put off; supernatural stories just aren't my thing. However, given that the story is so short I thought that I might as well see it through to the end.

The constant change in narrative voice grated on me; one minute it's first-person from Cassie's perspective, the next it's third-person from Seth's. This left me feeling both disorientated and disconnected from the story.

2/5 stars: the genre-although a parody-just doesn't appeal to me, and the shifts in the narrative ruined the flow of the story. That said, the characters are written well and I would be interested to read more stories from this author.


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